Our A.I. technology will safeguard Indigenous Wisdom through innovative solutions.
We strongly believe in directly supporting Indigenous groups to undertake activities to conserve their knowledge, culture and language.
This includes providing technology to bridge the digital and tech divide to enable community-led digital solutions to strengthen Indigenous rights and provide solutions such as supporting the monitoring of territories for threats.
Our innovative AI solutions safeguard Indigenous Wisdom.
Environmental Monitoring
AI can be used to monitor and protect the environment, which is an important part of protecting Indigenous Peoples and their knowledge. For example, AI could be used to monitor waste, pollution and spread of invasive species or impacts from climate change; with tech provided to enable land protectors to notify authorities of illegal activities in their territories.
How can AI help preserve knowledge?
Preserving knowledge includes documenting Indigenous histories, environmental practices, healing and spiritual connections and worldviews through visual and oral recordings, written methods and Virtual Reality.
We have trialed using AI to create holograms of Indigenous artefacts such as pottery. We will also use VR, participatory mapping and AI to document cultural heritage, artefacts and Indigenous ways of life.
We will support the UNESCO 2022-2032 Decade of Indigenous Languages and use AI to translate unclassified languages while accelerating the documentation and revitalisation of Indigenous languages (Image: UNESCO Africa)
An Encylopedia of Indigenous Wisdom.
We are creating an encyclopedia of Indigenous Wisdom using AI technology to share the value of Indigenous Knowledge and practices.